A Thorough Guide To Clean Your Fridge (No Harsh Chemicals!)

A Thorough Guide To Clean Your Fridge (No Harsh Chemicals!)

Cleaning your fridge is essential to keep it working as usual, but exposing your food to pesky chemicals found in store-bought cleaners may discourage you from doing this chore.

Don’t worry! Read on to find a way to leave your fridge in mint condition without using harsh chemicals!

Step #1. Unplug the fridge and wait

Unplugging the fridge serves two purposes: it prevents shocking risks that could damage the appliance or harm you, and it helps to soften stains by raising the fridge and freezer to room temperature.

As the temperature change doesn’t happen immediately (especially in the freezer), you’ll need to cut the power at least one hour before cleaning. If you can’t reach the plug in your fridge at the moment, you can switch off the circuit breaker providing power to it.

Step #2. Take out everything from the appliance

As you wait for one hour to pass, empty your fridge and freezer—that means food, containers, shelves, and racks. Also, use this chance to discard spoiled food and clean drips or spills from containers (this helps remove odors!).

Note: Place temperature-sensitive items inside a cooler to prevent them from going bad. If you don’t have a cooler handy, clump the items and wrap them in two layers of aluminum foil.

Step #3. Clean your fridge thoroughly

Once the wait is over, the stains in your fridge should be soft enough to remove easily. So without further ado, let’s get to work!

Clean the inside with vinegar

To break down the residue inside the fridge, you need a natural alternative to harsh chemicals, and vinegar is the perfect product for the task. Microwave two cups of vinegar for one minute and carefully pour it into a spray bottle. 

Now, spray the cleaner all over your fridge’s interior, focusing on the more stained areas, and let it sit for five minutes. Then, spray more vinegar on a kitchen sponge and scrub away the grime—a middle-bristled toothbrush may work better to clean slits and crevices.

Finally, rinse with a dampened, clean cloth.

Note. If you’re dealing with tougher stains, make a paste with ½ cup of baking soda, a squirt of dish soap, and three tablespoons of water in a bowl. Spread the paste with a spoon or small spatula over any troublesome stains and let it act for five minutes before wiping it away.

Don’t forget to clean the outside!

You can also clean the outside of your appliance using vinegar. Spray the solution on the doors and sides of your fridge and let it sit for five minutes. After time’s up, use a clean cloth to wipe the grime off.

Note. If you have a stainless steel fridge, dilute the vinegar in a 50/50 mix with warm water to prevent damaging the surface. Also, wipe along the grain of the appliance for better results.

Step #4. Wash shelves and racks

It is best that you do this step until after you clean the fridge because the shelves and racks need to be at room temperature. Otherwise, you might shatter or warp them with sudden temperature changes, specifically from warm water.

Wash the shelves and racks in your sink with warm soapy water and your trusty kitchen sponge. Although this seems simple enough, don’t rush it. Take your time to clean (and dry) the different parts thoroughly.

Step #5. Put everything back and restore the power

Before reassembling your fridge, make sure everything is completely dry. Otherwise, mold or rust could appear in the future. Also, you can check again and discard items you won’t need, or that are soon to expire as you put everything back inside.

Once done, restore the power and enjoy your newly cleaned fridge!

Do you want to save time? Let us clean your fridge instead!

While cleaning your fridge might seem simple enough, you may not have the time to do it. Luckily, our reliable cleaners at BG011 Cleaning Services can tackle the job! Pick our Deep Cleaning package, which includes leaving your fridge and the rest of your home spotless.

Book with us today!

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